
Meghan Krueger - Music '18

Meghan Krueger will graduate from the Music Department later this month after attending The Academy for four years. She has been a fixture in the Department, fronting jazz combos and classical vocal performances, and spent the last two summers performing in Italy. She recently co-led production on the Music Department’s performance of the opera “Dido and Aeneas”. Her father Joe has been President of the Academy Parents Association for two years, and spoke about Meghan’s time at the school, her future plans, and more.

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“It has been exciting watching Meghan grow not only as an artist and student, but as a member of society with an awareness of community, others in need, social challenges and core values of being an accepting person who understands doing the right thing. She has learned respect and caring of others, acceptance of diversity and an appreciation for all forms of art. I would share with other parents that the community is what separates this school from others. And the community encompasses not only the students themselves, but the faculty, staff and administration. The support by one another in all facets is truly inspiring. I would say The Academy is family!”

As head of the Parents Association and a fan of the arts, Joe made a point to going to as many Academy performances, exhibitions, and shows as possible.

“One of my favorite experiences at The Academy is attending performances, concerts, exhibits and shows in all the departments. And to see academic teachers, staff and administration at these events reinforces the special commitment from everyone in the school towards the arts. The All-School Showcase is the one event I will always remember, and will continue to attend even after Meghan has graduated. The experience of seeing these artists showcase their talent is amazing! The comments from audience members who have not seen them perform centers around surprise at the level of professionalism from these high school students.”

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Joe also will never forget the bond their family has created with Academy faculty and administration.

“The artistic development through intensive training and opportunities to perform every month, along with the ability to work on her art 15 - 20 hours per week has been instrumental in her artistic growth. But the engagement of faculty, both academic and arts has created a real bond between her and her teachers. For me, the faculty, both in academics and the arts, were engaged and connected at all times. They were available anytime there were questions, or challenges. The administration was always present and communicating community wide, and accessible if I had any input, questions or concerns. The leadership begins with Jason Patera as the Head Of School, and my relationship with Jason was one that was open at all times. He always made himself available, and I could count on getting information that was timely and complete. The Academy community is truly special. Students, artists, teachers, staff and administration. There is a real connection with everyone who is part of the experience.”

It has been a joy to have the Kruegers as part of this community. Meghan was accepted to Colorado State University, her first choice of school, but will be deferring her start to complete a gap year before entering college in the fall of 2019. During her gap year she will use this time to explore options as an artist while she decides the next path for her.Congratulations to Meghan!