
Your Academy Visual Arts Portfolio

By Margy Stover, Brenda Moore, and Liam O’Connor

1. Complete and bring the audition requirements. Including: 1) The Portfolio Requirements (These five prompts can be completed in the media of your choice including, drawing, painting or sculpture); and 2) The Artwork Analysis. There is no right or wrong way to address these requirements. We will discuss these requirements in your audition and you will be surprised by how these works will show us your unique potential.

 2. Do not edit your portfolio. In addition to the audition requirements, please bring artwork you have made on your own and/or in art classes you have taken at school or elsewhere. While you do not have to bring the first painting you made in kindergarten, we are interested in seeing a range of work – anything from drawings, to digital images, to architectural models, to clothes you have designed, to illustrations for stories – these additional works will show us your personality, curiosity, and skills. Include artwork you might not “like” or think is “good” because it will show us how you critique yourself.  Also, if you keep a sketchbook – be sure to bring it!

 3. Be prepared to talk about your artwork. Sketchbooks are a great way to introduce yourself. In preparing for your audition, think about your strengths as an artist and your goals. Select a few artworks to describe what makes a particular piece successful, what you would improve, and what you learned in the process of making it. 

 4. Show your ambition and do not be intimidated. Students in the Visual Arts Department come from a range of arts training and prior experiences. Some have been drawing since they could hold a pencil while others have just discovered a passion for art. While some students have had no formal arts training, we see their enthusiasm and motivation through the vast amount of artwork they show that they have made on their own. While we may appreciate how well you can copy your favorite anime character, we will be more impressed by your original artwork. Ambition to learn, to practice, and to grow as an artist are the most important characteristics we are looking for throughout your audition!

 5. Show us why. We are interested in who you are, how you think, and why you create art. To us, what motivates you to make art is just as important as the artwork you will show us.

We look forward to meeting you!