
Alumni Update - Luke Sangerman

Luke Sangerman (Music '15) became the Blue Man Group's youngest national performer at age 16, and is now playing drums for the group on a world tour. He is currently in New Zealand!

We were lucky enough to catch up with Luke to hear about his current plans and let him reflect on his experience at The Academy.

“I didn’t know that such a school existed, but I hoped it did. When I was in 6th or 7th grade I started doing some research and found The Academy. I told my mom ‘This school was put here for me. If I go to another school, I’m just going to be wishing I was here.’ It’s a place where I could play music for half of the day with some of the best teachers I’ve ever had. They were regimented and open-minded at the same time. But they made sure I got it. I just don’t think I would be the same person without The Academy.”

In the spirit of graduation, he also offered some advice for incoming freshmen:

“The best part about it is the community. If you can become a real part of the community, and try to raise the level passion and beauty just by being a really great artist, the community will reward you as such. If you are passionate, you’ll get so much out of it.”

And to graduating seniors:

“Just remember that you’re doing it because you love it. The only way to make music is for the music. It’s not for the individual who's creating the music, it’s for the music. You get to create something so much bigger than life, with other people.”

After his tour finishes with Blue Man Group, Luke plans to return home to Chicago and continue to work with his band Woo Park and other Academy alums. Luke’s approach to music and art is truly in the spirit of The Academy. We can’t wait to see what he has in store next!