Previous Master Classes + Artist Residencies
Jonathan Alsberry, Autumn Eckman and Ballet Mistress from Humburg Ballet (through partnership with the Harris Theater), Preston Miller, gARTh Johnson
Media Arts
Jake Hinkson, Menlo MacFarlane, Stuart Dybek (in conjunction with the English Department), Lori Felker
eighth blackbird, Fonema Consort, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Vijay Ayer, Seamus Blake, Ashley Summers, Joby Burgess, Dan Effland, Ben Patterson, Chris Fisher-Lochhead (Composer in Residence), Ondas Ensamble, Rob Clearfield Group, Clark Sommers + John Deitmeyer, Amanda DaBoers, Ana Maria Martinez (through partnership with the Lyric Opera)
Musical Theatre
Nicholas Davio, Tommy Rapley
Kat Barker (through partnership with Second City)
Visual Arts
Tom Torluemke, Matthew Woodward, Robin Dluzen, Cheryl Bachand